Thursday, June 23, 2011

When Dog Rescue Really is Like the Dating Scene: Bella Gets Adopted

We always joke how dog rescue is similar to the dating scene.
Browsing Petfinder photos is like online dating. Going to a large adoption event with several dogs can be like speed dating. But sometimes just getting out there will get you noticed and lead to your perfect match. And this is what happened with our Bella:
Just like dating, we tried to get Bella out and about as much as possible so she could meet potential suitors. And much like some people get all 'dolled up' to get noticed, Miss M loaned Bella one of her special occasion collars, from Pecan Pie Puppies, so she could get some extra attention. And it worked.
 One of Miss M's 'human boyfriends' that we often see on walks was completely struck by Bella when he first met her. And after we came by a couple of times, he knew he had met his match. We knew how much Bella loves men because she was always trying to wrap herself around E's legs:
So we were excited that she was going to have a male owner. But she really struck the jackpot because now she gets to live with 3 guys. When she went to their house she didn't even look back, and they've already been going on tons of walks and to neighborhood street festivals.
The crazy thing is, she started out like this and was set to be euthanized; she didn't even have a chance. But thanks to Heather and the support of the online community and Project Rescue sweet Bella really does get to live happily ever after!


Two Grad Students and a Pittie said...

SOOO exciting!! Thanks for all you did for Shy/Khloe, the fun raffle, asking us about the money, finding Project Rescue, finding the pups, fostering Bella, and finding both pups a home!

You guys are truly a pittie inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Hurray for Bella! And a big thank you to you guys for making this new home possible for her.

Mia said...

So happy for Bella!!!! She gets to be in her own version of Three Men and a Little Lady!! We are so glad she found her forever home. That sweet baby deserves a chance at love!!!

Please keep us posted on how she's doing.

Jess & Lilo

Beth said...

SO happy for her!

In Black and White said...

Aw, that's just fab! Congrats Bella!

Anonymous said...

My mom got all leaky reading this but she said it's cuz she's SOOOO happy for Bella! And I just want to say "thank you, thank you" for giving this sweet girl a second chance at a super terrific life! I'm sending you big, wet, brindle licks!

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

Hurray for Bella! Congrats to her new family and to everyone who worked to give Bella a second chance at the life she deserves.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Bella!! We are thankful that everyone came together & saved this beautiful lady.

Anonymous said...

hooray for bella and her new human boyfriend! hopefully this won't cut into his relationship with miss m, who would surely be disappointed :)

Anonymous said...

Bella's a lucky girl - thanks for all you guys did to make her "happy ever after" happen. You guys are like the e-harmony of dog adoptions!

Jacquelin Cangro said...

What great news this morning! Good luck to Bella in her forever home.

Froggy said...

What amazing news! Wow I am so so so happy for her and her new family. They are lucky to get such a great gal.

Jaime said...

Go Bella! I'm sure she is loving her new men!

Of Pit Bulls and Patience said...

Horray!!!!! We're so happy for Bella, she deserved a fairytale ending! Congratulations, and thank you for saving a life!

Maggie said...

Yay, Bella!! Thanks to your family for making her adoption happen!

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo!! What a happy ending for such a sweet girl! And, she gets all those men to herself...what more could a beautiful girl ask for!

bigalrlz said...

Exciting that she still lives in your hood, maybe we'll see her in a upcoming walk in 10 photos :) Congrats, Bella!

Peppy Sheppys said...

*Love* a happy adoption story. So happy that Bella found her guys. Thanks!

Sarah said...

Congrats! The best part is that she will be close by and you'll get to see her happily ever after. Thanks for all that you guys have done for Bella and other pitties!

Boss Mare Eventing said...

you guys are really doing something great there.

Kari in Alaska said...

congrats bella! Sounds like you got the perfect home :)


jen said...

yay Bella!

Kara said...

What a happy story!!

rottrover said...

What a happy post!! Thanks for the smile this morning!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Kim @ Yellow Brick Home said...

Such a happy ending! I love this!!

Maisie's Mom said...

this is FANTASTIC news! I hope her new daddies will keep you (and therefore, us) updated with stories and pics from her new home!

Trissi_V said...

OMG!!! I am sooooo happy for Bella, trying to hold back the water works right now. I love reading good news in the morning. :-)

Unknown said...

Ya Bella! That is such great news. What lucky adopters and lucky Bella!

Barbara said...


Kristine said...

What fantastic news!! Congratulations to you, Bella and, most importantly, her new family!

Thank you so much for dedicating so much of your time and energy to save this sweet, funny little dog. If not for you, she wouldn't be having the time of her life in her new home.

Thanks for sharing the terrific news! I needed that.

Corbin said...

So happy for Bella! She sure does deserve the best home out there! Mom got goosebumps and teary eyed reading this post! We love happy endings!

brooke said...

Yea for Bella! This is awesome!
She's one lucky girl! I can't wait to hear more updates on her!
Good job you four (Miss M and Mr B included!) for helping her find her forever home!

houndstooth said...

Bella needs her own Pecan Pie collar! :) I'm so happy that Bella found her perfect home! Shy must be so happy to know that her legacy has lived on in such a wonderful way. It sounds like Bella has found the perfect, perfect place for her!

Bobby said...

We are so pleased for Bella ad hope all goes well for her.
It just feels great when you find a good home for a dog who would not have had a chance.
Licks Bobby

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

SUCH a great ending! Yeah for Bella! :)

Tucker The Crestie said...

YAY, BELLA!!!!!! And thank you A, E, Miss M., and Mr. B. for your tireless efforts to get Bella a wonderful new home with not one but three handsome fellas to call her own!

Kate said...

Woohoo!! Congrats to Bella and her new family!!!

Two Pitties in the City said...

But, this really couldn't have happened without the help of the online community, Heather, and Project Rescue. We were just the 'dating coordinators'. And we'll keep everyone updated as we do see her new Dad often. Thanks everyone!

Mary said...

Three guys? Bella is a lucky lady, indeed! I am SO happy that she has found a happy ending after everything she has been through. Hopefully you guys will get to see her from time to time in the neighborhood too. Even though she's going to a great home, I'm sure it's not easy to say goodbye. Thanks again for everything you did for her. You rock!

Zona said...

What a wonderful post! I am so very much happy for Miss Bella and her new family. They sound PERFECT for her!! The four of you are wonderful to help her on her way!


The Daily Pip said...

Hurray for Bella! She is such a cutie and I am so happy she has found a wonderful home!

You pal, PIp

Two French Bulldogs said...

Awesome news..her name fits her...Bella!
Benny & Lily

jet said...

so nice to hear a good news story like that one! good luck, Bella!

Anonymous said...

Wahoo for Bella! :D :D :D I just luv happy endings or beginnings well stories! :D Good job on the matchmaking guys! :D

Waggin at ya,

PeeS: Yes there really are Manatees here :) and dolphins too :) Mom saw some manatees the other day but they were too far away and the photo didn't turn out. One day we'll get a good photo and put it up for y'all to go 'awww' over ;)

PeePeeS: Got some of the tourist photos, still have a few more to do. Getting there though :)

parlance said...

Oh, such a lovely post! It must be great that you know she's gone to such a good home. Perhaps you will still see her around?


Kirby, CGC said...

Yeah for happy endings!!!!

Kirby's mom

Susan Campisi said...

That's such fabulous news. Kudos to you guys for leading her to her happily ever after life.

Amy said...

Great news about Bella! Nice work you guys - another awesome pup saved. And, since she's staying in the neighborhood you'll get to keep in touch with her.

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that Bella was adopted!! She is the cutest dog. Hope she's settling in with her new family and will be very happy for many years to come.

Kristine said...

Congratulations to beautiful Bella! You did such a wonderful job with her and I am so glad she has found the perfect home after all your hard work. Just awesome.

Your reference to dating reminds me of a feature I saw on the news about a shelter in Florida holding speed-dating events for dogs. With wine and cheese, the shelter would entice potential adopters to attend and meet their future companions. I thought it was such a creative idea.

Alex said...

Awesome post. Love the snap of the snow cone

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