Despite the horrible weather over the weekend, we found a small window of not so inclement on Saturday to take the pooches on a nice walk to explore the first annual ChillFest. The pooches pulled out their rain coats from their closet and we ventured out to listen to live bands while taking our daily walk.

At most stores we had to watch the bands through the window, but it was fun to see the crowd move to the music as they walked around and shopped. Luckily Justin Ruff was performing at Doggy Style Pet Shop and we were able to catch part of his set and the pooches were completely entranced by his voice.

After all the excitement the pooches had to take a break and watch volunteers decorate the fountain at Wicker Park for the holidays.
Check our Facebook page for more photos, comments, and storylines beyond the blog.
What a great neighborhood you live in! :)
What a fun day! We would love to have something like this. We have been trying to spend more time downtown - but there's not much to do with the pooches.
Wow looks like a loads of fun!
Love milo :)
Looks like a nice walk despite wet feets
Awww the pups always do such fun things with you two! :) We try to do that with Milo as well!
Hey, I'm glad the Pooches enjoyed the set! Thanks!
~Justin Ruff
Hey, I'm glad the Pooches enjoyed the set! Thanks!
~Justin Ruff
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