I don't understand why people still think pitties are so vicious; I think they laugh more than any other breed of dog I've met.
Like this dog Rocky,
who was lost in Humboldt Park, was still able to laugh about it.

This pittie mix from the
Mercury Canine Cruise.

And of course Mr. B:

Even when he's woken from a nap ...
mommish says the best thing in the world to her is to see laughing pibbles, its warms her heart to know they are happy and safe
the houston pittie pack
HA - that's adorable and entertaining. :)
We think you are just adorable. Don't feel bad. People freak out when they see me too.
they do have the best laughs!
You'll enjoy an old link on my blog from pitties I've photographed along the way. All smiles, from ear-to ear! http://rescuek9.blogspot.com/2008/05/if-were-so-mean-why-are-we-always.html
Laughing and smiling is our specialty!
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