Monday, September 13, 2010

Chicagoing: Miss M Goes Renegade

There is never a shortage of things to do in Chicago, and this past weekend Renegade Craft Fair dropped itself down smack dab in the middle of our neighborhood. This event gathers Etsy vendors from across the nation showing their innovative, unique and unusual wares beneath a half-mile of tents.
Since E had "business" to attend to, I had to choose only one dog to attend. Miss M loves getting attention in big crowds, so I decided to make it a Girls' Day and brought her geared up with our Pets Eye Camera to document her perspective:
The event skews towards the trendy, tattooed and unusual with plenty of skulls, mustaches, and bug-themed artwork. Of course, there were a lot of bikes in art ranging from T-shirts, to prints, to onesies:
And loads of bikes being ridden (just not by Miss M):
We saw this patterned tepee, and Miss M was tempted to jump inside:
 We loved the posters by Jay Ryan, but didn't pick any up this year:
We met a friend all the way from Pittsburgh selling beautiful handmade porcelian jewelry from the RedRaven shop. Unfortunately, being so low to the ground, this was all Miss M could see:
There was a weird marching band, which Miss M quite enjoyed until she heard the trumpet:
Our favorite was this shop selling handknit scarfs, hats, and sweaters for your dog. 
Their model is a Boston Terrier, so unfortunately they didn't have much in Miss M's size. They do make custom work for bigger dogs. Should we get the the snow bean hat for Miss M? The blue baron hat for Mr B? Or maybe Mr. B should go vampire?
Miss M had a great time out meeting people, wiggling, and giving out plenty of kisses. And when we got home her camera caught Mr. B with E attending to their "business"... watching the Bears home season opener.


Anonymous said...

We were in Chicago briefly yesterday and I kept my eyes peeled for you all, but I knew we weren't in the right neighborhood. I just hoped to be able to meet you all! Sounds like a fun girls day out!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you girlz had a great time.

jen said...

There's nothing better than a girls day out!
Looks like you and Miss M had a great time looking around:)

jet said...

looks awesome, and I love all the bikes ;)

Road Dog Tales said...

Oh, man, that looks like the kind of thing Mom just LOVES! Hmmm, you didn't sniff out anybody selling doggie treats? Now that would have been a big hit with us :)
PeeS - We think you would look beautiful and dashing in any sweater ensemble.
The Road Dogs

Corbin said...

Sounds like a super fun time! I love your camera, Miss M!

How Sam Sees It said...

Sounds like an excellent girls day out!


Wyatt said...

Yay for girls day! Hope you ordered some knit hats, for your Chicago winter!


Mack said...

Mom went to a craft show this weekend too!
We love those hats! Did you decide on one Miss M?

Anonymous said...

i think Mr. B would be dashing in the vampire knit (unless his ears require the warmth...) and definitely Ms. M needs the beanie!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Wow guys what a cool event. We hear those Etsy sites are becoming quite popular. Purrty cool. Hope it was fun
Benny & Lily

The Daily Pip said...

So, did Ms. M make any purchases? I love those knitted sweaters. I have always wanted to learn to knit, but haven't found the time yet!

Your pal, Pip

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

OMG the vampire neck sweater thing is hilarious!!!!!

Looks like a great time!

~The Monster Crew

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

What a Fun Girls Day Out!

brooke said...

What a cool event! I love Etsy!

Kari in Alaska said...

I just love the pic with Miss M's ear flipped back a little bit :) Looked like a fun girls day out!


Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

Oooh Etsy... love etsy... :)

houndstooth said...

DA BEARZ! Of course!

What a great collection of stuff! I kind of hope we see Miss M sporting one of those hats.

ForPetsSake said...

The Blue Baron - definitely!!! I'm really starting to dig Etsy. I've been considering making collars and leashes...

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a fun girls' day out! And it sounds like the boys had fun doing boy stuff, too. Why didn't Miss M like the trumpet? Did it skeer her? Or were they just off-key?

Wiggles & Wags,

Liz said...

Yay, you got to meet Pittsburgh Amy. She said she was really busy when you guys stopped by. Glad you could give Redravenshop a mention. I need to come up for a visit soon.

Liz said...

Yay, you got to meet Pittsburgh Amy. She said she was really busy when you guys stopped by. Glad you could give Redravenshop a mention. I need to come up for a visit soon.

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh wow!!! 'da festivities look such fun!!!

What a perfect day to spend together...
Just 'da girls!!!!
'da Josie just loves to shops!!

Hmmmm... 'dose little hats look Puggie sized..hee hee...
I's have to send mommy on-line!!


Mary said...

Those hats are so cute! I'm dying! I will have to show Jason to see if Levi can get a custom one, but I think I know what the answer will be.

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