We have been very lucky to have a nearly rain-free summer. It wasn't until yesterday we had a morning shower and we had to pull out the pooches' raincoats for their morning walk.
Since we live in the city without a yard, we don't have any option but to go for a walk whether it's raining, sleeting, snowing, or just plain cold. What I have learned is if we dress appropriately it really isn't that bad.

We picked up
these Ruff Wear Sun Shower jackets for the pooches to wear during downpours. If we can prevent the pooches from getting dirty in the first place, it decreases the amount of time we have to spend later cleaning our place and cleaning our dirty dogs. We like that these jackets cover the undersides of our dogs, especially because we encounter so many puddles, mud, and random Chicago grime. We are partial to the Ruff Wear line because they do fit over big pittie chests, and they have adjustable straps. Miss M especially likes that these have a hood to protect her delicate and dainty face:

We have had these coats a couple of years, and we did find an online sale where we were able to pay significantly less than the listed price. We even keep the coats on our coat rack right next to the pooches' leashes and
seat belts.

At the same time, the walks are much more fun when I can keep dry also. In addition to my trenchcoat, I wear Tretorn's Plask Rainboots. They are super comfortable, and great at keeping me dry. While they discontinued my specific style, I did spy
Tretorn's Langta boots which look really nice. Coincidentally, E bought
Tretorn's Strala Rain Boot which work tons better than his traditional Vans at keeping his feet dry.

Miss M especially hates getting wet, and whenever she's wet she likes to try running and zooming around. The raincoats save us from this excitement, but I wonder whether other dogs react to being wet in this way?
Love the rain coats! For whatever reason, the rain doesn't bother either of our two. They still take their sweet old time outside. They're so thoughtful!
Those rain coats are adorable!
The pups look so cute in their rain coats!! Our dog does the flying around thing after she has a bath when she's completely wet. She's like a wild animal and we have to lay multiple towels on the floor and keep her confined to the bathroom until we can dry her somewhat. Then she'll go careening around the house, launching herself headfirst on all the rugs! Not sure what makes dogs do that when wet :)
When I first read about the raincoats in your blog, and the day after I got caught in some very heavy rainfall (we got surprised and drenched!) I bought one for my boy. It should arrive soon and can't wait to try to out!
I love the raincoats on your beautiful doggies!
Wow they look so smart, and have stayed looking good, you are right rain is OK if you wear the right gear.
See Yea George xxx
What fashionistas! The first picture looks like you 2 are waiting for the school bus in your new outfits! BOL
Baily and Mesa get the zoomies when wet. Big Carl rubs himself against anything dry
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com/
They do look very stylish. Great choice on colors too. Stella seems to not mind the wet weather. She'll even throw herself down into the wet grass or dive headfirst into a big puddle, if it's on grass. She does zoom after a bath though and I wonder myself what the motivation is.
Those are some super cool raincoats! I should convince my mom to get me one... I hate the rain! I always try to shake it off every couple of seconds. You guys look super stylish!
They look so stylish in their rain coats!
"Hey there Little Red Riding Hood, You sure are looking good, You're everything a big bad wolf could want..."
Kayloo acts like a total moron when she gets wet. She really hates her face getting wet so she wipe her snout all over my legs, the couch, the floor... whatever to make the wet end. She also runs around the house like she is on fire.
Mickey doesn't like the rain either, although rather than go crazy he stands in one spot completely put making sure to stay out of Kayloo's way as she streaks around the house.
They look so great in their rain gear!
Leroy loves the rain, he will lay out there all day if he had the choice!
Oh my goodness, they looks so cute in their raincoats. I bought my golden retriever, Dixie, one years ago and she refuses to wear it. I would place it on her and she'll stand still and look around like "I'm not going anywhere in this!"
My dogs definitely go crazy though when they get wet and especially after baths!!
Those Rain Coats are Awesome and they both look so cute in them. Have a Wonderful Day!
Those are ADORABLE! I'm smitten with the winter coats we found on etsy.com, but I think your rain gear takes the cake!
You two can't look any cuter sportin those raincoats. We agree, if you dress appropriatley walks are good no matter the weather. Well we don't like wet feets. Have a nicewalk
Benny & Lily
I wish mine would wear them cause they look so cute on but mine LOVE the rain. Fred has crack withdrawls if he cant get out their to be in the rain.
Ps. I did sent a letter to Ruffwear asking for PINK or PURPLE items to be considered for our girly girls :) So im keeping my fingers crossed that soon they will come out with the colors that haylie and Miss M should wear :)
My boys HATE the rain. I have to trick them to get them outside. So far, my girl doesn't seem to mind. She's a bit more laid back than the boys, though.
I love their coats! So cute!!
My kids don't care about the rain - we have to drag them back in the house or they would paint our house with mud. They call it "decorating".
OMGOMGOMGOMG! I love that first picture! They look so darn cute. In fact I don't have a lot of time to read blogs this evening, so I was just scrolling through my dashboard updates quickly, but I just had to click on your post when I saw that picture.
Bogart hates the rain. This morning I was standing outside, in the rain, with my umbrella over my dog as I got rained upon. :)
This is a very timely post, since it's been downpouring here off and on the last two days! The Greyhounds all have raincoats, because, well, Greyhounds don't DO rain. They're made of spun sugar and all. I have been trying to convince my husband that we need to have a raincoat for Morgan, not because I think she's going to be miserable being wet, but because I don't want that much wet dog hair in the house. Time will tell who wins this particular battle. Anyway, for the hounds, we love Voyager's K9 Apparel!
Miss M and Mr. B look so darned cute in their coats!
Ahh, so very trendy. Love your attire.
@ the wetness madness: definitely! both my collie crosses got really strange when their fur was wet. i think they can't bear the itchiness.
Hmpf..Wet? Kitty acts as if the rain is poisonous! She won't go out in it, and if I force her she stands completely still with her ears down and won't do a thing. We have even stood there for 20 minutes and nothing!
Maybe a hood like Ms. M's would help a bit...The underside being covered is so simple, but so smart.
Kitty and Coco
Yous two are adorables!!
Well, we's dislikes 'da rains too!!
Butt even funnier, Izzy hates to be dressed ups!! So Mommy puts 'da coats on us and we's fine, butt 'den Izzy falls down overs and refuses to moves.
Mommy had bought us all winter coats and rain coats and Izzy has gotten use to 'dem, butt it's still funnies to see hers at firsts protests her clothes!!
Anakin Man and of course 'da Josie LOVES to gets dressed ups!!
'da Josie
i love your boots!
Darwin hates the rain, so we bought her a rain jacket, and I think she hates that more! when we put it on her she makes her butt droop when she walks, and she walks really slowly. Shes such a drama queen!
What great photos! yes, I believe wet dog = dog zoomies!
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