Thursday, October 7, 2010

DoggyStyle: Twins & Accidental Home Decor

I've heard that people are instinctively drawn to the familiar. Which might explain why we have 2 dogs that look like twins but are actually different breeds.
 They''re both types of bully/ pit bulls but Miss M is an American Bulldog mix and Mr. B is an Am Staff.
And while we wrote before about accidentally dressing like our dogs, I feel we have accidentally decorated our place like our dogs. It first occurred to me when I saw this picture of Nate Berkus with his 2 big dogs (who also look a bit like twins):
Then saw he decorated his apartment in the same black and white decor:
Which made me realize that since I adopted Miss M, we have a lot more brown and white decor. From our brown and white rug and couch:
To the brown and white bins we use to store their gear:
To our new brown and white rug:
And ironically, it was only a couple of months after adopting Mr. B that we decided the perfect color scheme for our bedroom would be gray and white. We painted our bedroom Benjamin Moore Pigeon Gray and I'm still debating whether to get this pebble rug in slate gray for our new floors.
Does anyone else accidentally use color inspiration from their pets? Or is it just me and Nate B?


Anonymous said...

Definitely not just you! We have LOTS of black in our house and some white. The Duo blend right in!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...I'm not so sure about that. My mom likes green a lot and none of us are that color. But she says from now on, she's always adopting pets that are the SAME color and then buying clothes and furniture to match whatever the pets are. Haha!

Wiggles & Wags,

Levi said...

I've visited people's houses that look like thier doggies so you are not alone! My mom hasn't done it yet but only cuz I am still new and they just got da house before me and had already just painted and done everything. Give em time...I gots great colors!

The Daily Pip said...

That's a riot!!! Well, I never thought about it, but my mom does like earth tones and lots of wood - kind of like my coloring.

Your pal, Pip

Mack said...

I have been begging my mom for years to redo the living room in black & white, but she keeps insisting on silly red, white & blue!

Kate said...

OOOO, definitely get the rug! I love it :)

I think my dogs look too different from each other to really decorate around them colorwise, but I certainly make sure things are durable because of them!

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Very interesting connection!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie JO & Bobo

Corbin said...

Soooo interesting!!! Too funny, I'm just plain brown... and mom and dad have a lot of browns in the house so maybe they got me because I blend in with their colors! lol

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Crap. Now that you mention it... It's not our house so much (although I'm just in the process of gutting, uh, renovating the thing, and the new wood floors are this reddish color that both Fi and Abby blend in with..) but the motorhome. Between the off-white couch (Abby) and the reddish-tan carpets with light tan accents I have put down to cover (and protect) the main carpets, the reddish wood of the cabinets and the light colored tile, yep. Our motorhome totally looks like our dogs... Heh. I wouldn't have even noticed it until you pointed it out!

-Dr. Liz, Fiona and Abby's Mom

Two French Bulldogs said...

Great post and very true. You two sure do act like twins. Me and Lily do to most of the time. We also taught each other different things. Interestng huh
Benny & Lily

Kristine said...

We actually purposely bought a grey and black rug to match our dog. She sheds a ton. Now it doesn't bother me nearly as much between vacuumings!

jen said...

LOL!!! I guess I do-do this!!!
But I didn't realize it until you mentioned it!!
We are even painting our family room this weekend a light shade of brown! Uh-oh!!!

the booker man said...

it's not just you...we have a lot of cream and brown items at our house, too. i think it might be a subconscious effort to have booker and asa's fur blend in to the surroundings. ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL! Yes my bedclothes are pink!

Road Dog Tales said...

The only thing our folks know about decorating is to buy brown rugs so our hair blends in when we shed! They claim they live in a dog kennel! BOL!

brooke said...

I think we buy a lot of greys now to try and hide Darwin's fur all over the place!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

My mom and dad redid da house BEFORE dey gots me and all da colors go wif my furs....very interesting:)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Mary said...

I should decorate my entire house in the shade "cockatiel dander" because that's what's covering everything. We have a lot of browns and grays with a few splashes of color. So, plain colors like Levi and Lola with a little Monty mixed in? I do admit when I met this dog and her littermate, Cling, I thought it would be adorable to have a female Levi mini-me:)

Suze's WCAC Stories said...

Hmmm ... does a redhead with her first two dogs being red Chows and lots of Cherry Wood furniture give you comfort ... :)

Liz said...

She sure likes to stretch a lot. :)

I do have a car seat that's a light tan color like Boges and my rug has similar shades as him as well. I think it's just practical...less noticeable fur. :)

Anonymous said...

Dog Hair/cat hair, everything is about the hair and hiding!

Except for the cranberry dinning room rug that the husband fell in love with, man does it show the hair.

PittieBoo said...

First, thank you all for your condolences. It meant a lot to me.

And yes, my carpet, my sofa, everything was selected to help hide dog hair and drool ; )

From memory. Nate Berkus showed off his place on Oprah. His sofa had a throw blanket over the arm to hide a little area of doggie destruction. I loved him a little more for that.

Kari in Alaska said...

The two big pups are accidental twins. We have yet to start decorating like them though!


A Confessed Pit Bull Addict said...

Our dogs definitely blend right into the decor! It can be a little strange looking at the photos and realizing that we're so matchy-matchy.

After we brought Toni home, we even had a neighbor tell us that her daughter decided Toni and I have the same "hair color" (we're both kind of auburn - though mine is not brindle striped!).

Dexter said...

Momma says it is no accident that our living room is decorated in Mango and Dexter friendly colors. Less showing off of furs and slobbers. hehehe.


The Whitfields said...

Thank you for your sweet comment. I know, I wish we were in an area where people were more open to adopting them.

I was checking my blog this afternoon, and I had the biggest jerk write on my blog telling me that I was a fool and I shouldn't own a pit because no right person would ever own one and I was an idiot and didn't know what I was doing. Have you ever had those type of comments on yours? I deleted them immediately, but it was awful. People are so terrible sometimes.

Lindsay said...

I wear a lot of black clothes, and I have a black mutt. Then when I'm out walking him I look just like him. This is never planned! We don't seem to have a lot of black furniture/decorating right now, but guess what my boyfriend said? He said black is his favorite and he wants to get black furniture. Hmm....

Anonymous said...

Actualy, we don't have any part of our house that matches our pit/beagle mix or our foxhound/beagle mix. However, I can tell I defiantly drew 'inspiration' from my summer job in high school and college as a life guard. The walls are all painted colors of things at the pool I worked at.

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