Friday, October 1, 2010

Pooches: Ms. M the Manipulator

I really cannot say if Ms. M is smart or just manipulative, but she has this innate ability to get her way. This first became apparent to us when we adopted Mr. B. We bought Mr. B this welcome home fuzzy toy that Ms. M really wanted to play with, so rather than trying to take the toy from Mr. B.
She brought one of her older toys, bit it so it would squeak and then dropped it in front of Mr. B. When Mr. B went to inspect the other toy, Ms. M snuck behind him and took his toy. A and I were in complete awe watching all of this happen. Then like a flashback, we started to see all the things she would do to us. From this realization, we eventually caught onto her sleeping on the couch.
Often times, she will try to trick us into feeding her two meals and we know of one time when it actually worked. Since A had classes in the morning, she would wake up early and sometimes feed the pooches before she headed off to class. After A leaves, Ms. M would come into the bedroom, and start complaining.
It got so annoying that one time I got up and fed them...again. Now, we check with each other before we feed the pooches. Thinking back, Ms. M is mainly conniving when it comes to food. Whenever we spill our food or their food, Ms. M will make a mental note of the location of the food and wait until we are well out of sight before she heads back to the food. Scary thing is that she will act dumb with us even knowing that I am trying to trap her or trick her.
Sometimes I will act like I'm going to the bathroom and rush right out only to find her waiting outside of the bathroom door, but when I'm actually using the bathroom, I will come out to find her in her bed with lick marks where the food used to be. On the other hand, I always find Mr. B waiting patiently for me in front of the bathroom door. I have to say that it is quite reassuring to have a not so bright, but a happy-go-lucky dog like Mr. B in the house, because I don't have to worry if his actions have an ulterior motive.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Sounds like Miss M is a bit too smart for "your" own good ;)

Pretty sneaky givin Mr. B the ol bait and switch toy ploy tsk tsk Miss M

Smilin and waggin your way,

Zona said...

BOL! Love this post! Ms. M and my sister Cali should never meet! They might trade these tips and we'd be in quite a predicament! Hehe..

She once scored us an extra meal too... FROM THE SAME TWO-LEGGER. So for that trick, I was pretty grateful.


Anonymous said...

I think you just described my two! If Ollie is somewhere Flash wants to be, she'll whine and act like she wants to play so when he gets up, she can grab his spot. Sometimes I think they're too smart for their own good!

Kate said...

One of mine is a little manipulator too! It was quite the day when we realized we were being outsmarted by our dog!

Corbin said...

Hehe I do the same things, especially when I have a foster sister! Rock on Ms. M!!!

Breakfast With the Bennetts said...

Miss M sounds a lot like our Bella. She is so smart that sometimes she outsmarts us. She also plays the "mom I'm hungry and I swear dad did not feed me" game. We check with each other about every meal. Boxen on the other hand doesn't care to trick anyone out of anything, he just wants to have a good time. Perhaps it is a female thing. They are smaller so they have to be smarter. Either way I am glad to see that I am not the only one that has bathroom buddies every time I go.

jen said...

Ms.M is one sly lady:)

Maggie said...

Hilarious! Emmett is the exact same way, especially with food. One day I pretended to leave the house, waited a couple minutes, then burst back in. He was standing on his hind legs like a prairie dog, checking out what was on the counter - his front paws weren't even touching the counter. I used to set up cookie sheet, pots, and pans to keep him from jumping up there. Apparently, he learned to check to see if there was anything worthwhile before disturbing the pots and leaving evidence of his transgression. It's sort of embarrassing that my pup outsmarts me on a fairly regular basis!

Laura and Hans said...

Miss M is indeed smart (and what a stinker!). I had a friend who lived on a farm. They had a goat that they let out on a chain in the yard during the day. Anyway, their dog would drop a corn cob just outside the goat's range and then would lie down and watch it struggle to get it! All day long! And that was only one thing that dog did that was crazy!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Some buddy sure does sound like a smarty pants..hysterical
Benny & Lily
Pee S. We will leave an award for you guys tomorrow.

Rescued Pittie Family said...

She's so pitiful with that face though! How could you not give in!

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

HAHAHAHA! Mom and Dad used to have (before my time) a toy poodle who was the most evil, conniving (Mom's words) 10lbs on the face of the planet. (She loved him dearly, BTW.) It sounds like Ms. M is on the same track. Diabolical! Heehee. I'd just keep a vial of holy water in the house. Just in case. But probably put it on a high shelf. I'm just saying... (*giggle* Way to go, Ms. M!)

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

kristi.w. said...

You know, we have a cat that is super smart and VERY manipulative. It's crazy how animals can figure out how to get their way! :)

Maggie Mae and Max said...

OMD! Dat first picture of Ms. M made my mom go all squeally! I tinks she is just smart.... :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS I has tricked my parents into feeding me my breakfast twice too...hehehehe!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Miss M! You are TOOOOO much! I think it's awfully good you keeps your mom and dad and Mr. B on their toesies.

Guess what I did the other day? So Brudder Ranger thinks he's supposed to have any toy that I have. And most often, I just lets him have it cuz I luv him and stuff. Well, the other day he was sitting in MY condo chewing on a nylabone. And gosh, I really wanted that nylabone a LOT. So I thought and thought. And then I went over and picked up another toy and got in the condo with him. Well, right away, he wanted MY toy so I let him have it and he trotted away with it and then I got to hang out in my condo and chew on the bone! BOL!

Wiggles & Wags,

H Ski said...

At least Ms. M is keeping it interesting. It is pretty amazing what they can do.

I saw you posted on my blog about Mr B. His name is actually Mr. B. Not sure why, but I think he may just be called "B" and for some reason "Bear" as come up.

Levi said...

Just like the ladies to play tricks on us likes dat!

Unknown said...

Ms. M and Mr. B sound like my dogs! Koda is very smart but doesn't ever try to push the rules or trick anyone but Sophie made the connection of climbing the chairs to get to whatever is on the table the naughty girl!

brooke said...

Miss M is a smarty pants! Thats so cute!

Martine said...

I am in awe that you live with two big pups in a condo.... sometimes when I think we need more space with our two mini dogs I think of you - if you can do it with two big pups we certainly can do it with two tiny ones! xo have a happy weekend!

♥ Sallie said...

Awww. That is the cutest face. :)

the booker man said...

ah, miss m, you and asa are cut from the same cloth, i think! ;)

Liz said...

I had such a long, frustrating day, so this was fun to read! Thanks for the chuckles.

houndstooth said...

Ha ha ha ha! Imagine living with three master manipulators at the same time! It's a darned shame when you live with dogs who are smarter than you are!

Kirby, CGC said...

Miss M, you are smart and cute! I did the old switcheroo on my friend Ollie...yeah work the system baby!!!


HoundDogMom said...

Miss M you are are smart cookie. Amiee tries to be sneaky like that with the toys. We love that sexy pose you have going on. The Hounddogs. P.S. They do have a small sing-a-long when the National Anthem is sang before we waddle. :)

Wyatt said...

Look at that face, How could you ever say "NO" to her about anything? Miss M should have anything she wants :)


Unknown said...

I came across your blog on Love it! My husband and I are planning to re-locate to Chicago from Phoenix with our two girls (dogs) and it's so comforting to see that it's possible to live in the city with dogs without a yard! It'll take some adjusting for our girls but I know that they will have a blast exploring Chicago!

Nicole said...

Oh this is just too funny! Luffy has managed to get double meals out of us a couple times. I've learned not to ask the dog if he's had dinner yet. He'll always act like he hasn't even if he has.

The Homespun Loft said...

Beautiful dogs! Found you on the sat pet blog hop-hope you come by and say hello and follow.

Janet Dillon Robinson said...

What a smart little lady!! :)

Pup Fan said...

Haha... Bella used to pull the "feed me twice" trick too, until we wised up!

koko said...

Now we know why she's called Ms. M... Miss Manipulator :)

Licks, hero

Kari in Alaska said...

we have three manipulators in our house but Mesa isn't very smooth about it so we catch her more often than not!


Alley903 said...

I agree, only one smart dog per household is acceptable :)
We named our dogs after TV characters and they seem to take after them too. Abbey is froms NCSI smart forensic specialist. Jake is from Two and half man, food oriented kid who is not so smart.
We often have to check who is training who with Abbey. And hide everything from Jake that resembles food or smells like food.

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