Thursday, October 21, 2010

Schwang Manor: The Non-Orange Halloween

 The other week when Mr. B went to the Farmer's Market, he was enchanted with the pumpkins.
 So much so, that he even chose to take a picture with his own Pet's Eye View Camera:
We did end up picking up some pumpkins, though not quite what Mr. B had in mind:
See, we already have a lot of orange in our house year round. From the decor in our second bedroom:
To the orange ottoman and pillows in our family room:
And our orange bowl filled with oranges:
So this year we decided to go with white pumpkins, and some "pumpkin tree" branches with little tiny pumpkins:
 And always judging our decorating decisions, Miss M was quick to show her displeasure:


Corbin said...

I've never seen a white pumpkin before!!! My grandma left a pumpkin in our back yard the other day, I wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but dad wouldn't let me eat it...

Anonymous said...

We're with Corbin...never seen white pumpkins before! Love the decor!

Anonymous said...

White pumpkins, wow. Are you sure they're not mutants?

Mack said...

You have a very pretty apartment. I bet you helped decorate it!

Anonymous said...

Poor Mr. B - his visions of winning the Chicago Pumpkin Carving Contest have been shattered!

Probably for the best; Miss M would most likely disapprove of his artistic choices.

Kate said...

lol, Ms. M's such a critic! It looks great!

houndstooth said...

I LOVE white pumpkins! It's always tough for me to find them here, but I do try to hunt them down. I think your fall decor looks great, no matter what Miss M thinks!

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

Very funky- I really like the branches with the little pumpkins.

Levi said...

My mommy just blew my ear drum! She loves dem white punkins and says that are really hard to find around here. We only gots the orange ones- they is kinda odd but it doesn't taste good so I leave it alone...

jen said...

White pumpkins are my favorite!
Before I had kids that is what I always use to get to decorate at this time of year!
But the kids will not allow any white pumpkins!!

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

We picked out a white pumpkin this year too!!! Super cool!!!!

~The Mama Monster

Dexter said...

I didn't know pumpkins grow on trees. I think white pumpkins are not right. Pumpkins are orange. Some things are sacrosanct.


Granite State Pet Sitting said...

Love the white pumpkin, who said they need to be orange. Love your house!

Anonymous said...

Gosh! A white pumpkin? Is that like a mutant or something? I tend to try not to disagree with Miss M (since she's my idol and all) but, well, I think that white pumpkin looks very pretty in your place!

Wiggles & Wags,

Oona Johnson said...

OMG! I got one of those Pumpkin Trees at Trader Joe's a few weeks ago! They are so fun, I love them!

I like the white pumpkins, very fun!

Cate said...

wow, pumpkin trees,I've never seen those before, how cute. Your apartment look so great! I'm actually fascinated by pumpkins and how they grow, they look almost alien when you see them in the fields :)

Kari in Alaska said...

Miss M is such a critic!


Kirby, CGC said...

The white pumpkin is very cool! I have seen them around the farms here in Michigan. I love the way you have decorated your apartment!

Kirby's Mom

Boss Mare Eventing said...

love the little pumpkin tree

1000 Goldens said...

Miss M, you are so funny. Maybe you can get out your markers and color it when Mom and Dad aren't home?

Wyatt said...

Oh, we like the ghost pumpkins. We like all pumpkins. Our current fave pumpkin is the Cinderella Pumpkin (Really dark orange and squished kinda flat). Mom decorates the porch with them and I chew the tops off!


ForPetsSake said...

The pumpkins on sticks are cute- like a little tree! I might have to try that...

Two French Bulldogs said...

If you stay by your punkin long enough, it may turn orange.
Benny & Lily

Those Elgin Pugs said...

That's too cute!!
Last year we got a big white pumpkin too!!!
We did a black and white halloween decor... it looked cool..

Your place looks great and Mr. B and Miss M look cute glancing at the pumpkin!!

Pugga Momma

Kitty+Coco said...

Love the white pumpkin. Our house is pretty similar to yours as far as colors. Mom went for the ugliest gourd she could find this year. It is so ugly that it is almost pretty. That is how we roll.

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