Friday, April 8, 2011

Pooches: Mr. B the Hoarder

I've always found it funny how different dogs can be drawn to specific types of toys. We've written before about Mr. B's addiction to stuffie toys, and even how we taught him not to destroy his toys, but I think it's reached a whole new level: hoarding.
The other day, cooking guru Trissi was nice enough to send the pooches some homemade dog biscuits and dog toys.As an experiment, we put his favorite stuffie toys in the box with the new toys. Just watch what he does, as Miss M looks on in amazement:

P.S. We've been posting some daily updates of the pooches rescued in Shy/Khloe's honor on our facebook page found here. The pooches are doing so much better: the first girl has a new splint, and the scab from the burn has come off. The second girl is down to only one medication a day, and the vets are so happy with how she's healing. Thanks Project Rescue for coordinating their vet visits and getting the pooches ready for adoption!


Anonymous said...

i do think it's funny how distinct their personalities are. we don't have any hoarders, but gonzo loves to be chased, but only when he has a toy, kong, sock, or other small item in his mouth. if you approach him to play, he gets a devious look in his eye and scurries off for a toy. he then bounds back over and playbows ferociously, before turning to run around the house like a maddog.
mr b's video is super cute!

Anonymous said...

This only makes me love Mr. b even more! And, I've been loving the updates on facebook!

MCM said...

Ha! My MaryJane went a little kookoo trying to figure out where the squeaky sound was coming from when I was watching this...

The Daily Pip said...

When Pip was younger, he was a shoe hoarder. One by one he would carry all our shoes to his bed. It was pretty funny, but fortunately he grew out of that habit!

jet said...

Barbie is definately a hoarder, whereas Bender fixates on one toy and won't play with anything else at that moment but the toy he has fixated on!

Janet Johnson said...

What a hoot!

Kate said...

That.Is.HILARIOUS. It's so funny how he sort of slowly goes up to the box, then quickly snatches the toy away. Does he think Ms. M will mess then up? Hahah.

Kari in Alaska said...

haha! Thats great.


Faye said...

Mine, mine, mine! BTW, did I hear the KY Wildcats playing in the background?

Corbin said...

Mr. B! I never knew! BOL! You run so fast with your stuffies!

Barbara said...

I love how Mr. B sneaks up then barrels away! So darned cute!

Where did you get the pup teepees?

Maisie's Mom said...

OMG that totally made my morning. Hilarious!!!

Heather Cherry said...

Okay, that was adorable. He's all, "MINE!" Need I point out, though, that there was clearly an instigator behind the camera, what with all that squeaking?

Trissi_V said...

Ok...I feel like an enabler now. Do we need to have an intervention for Mr. B before he ends up on one of those shows "Hoarders...doggie edition"? I'll say this again, Mr. B CRACKS me up...he is so darn cute. :-)

Our dogs won't play with anything except a tennis ball. They think the cats own everything in the house, so they can't play with their toys.

Trissi_V said...

Oh...and I am glad to see that the pups are enjoying their presents, though I think Mr. B is getting to enjoy it more than Miss M. Too cute!!!!

houndstooth said...

Hee hee hee! Hawk used to collect our shoes and arrange them around his bed. But the thing was, we could never make eye contact with him while he was doing it. It was so funny! He'd drop the shoe immediately and look away. We never corrected him for carrying the shoes around and arranging them, though. He didn't chew them or even get them wet, but there was something in him that just had to move those shoes -- without being seen! Mr. B is just so adorable with those stuffies!

brooke said...

hahahahahah! I love Mr B! This is so cute! I love how he scurries away to his tent with his collection! Much more fun seeing it in action!

Mack said...

WOW! That video has us literally LOL!
Miss M must be very patient, we can tell!

Luci's Mama said...

hahaha that made laugh out loud! what's even funnier is that Luci came rushing over to my laptop when she heard the squeaky noise from the video. :) Mr B is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Mr. B you're killin me! BOL! I'm bettin you got tired of Miss M takin all of the toys. Drawin a line in the sand? Too funny :D


Kirby, CGC said...

That's hillarious, Miss M is such a good pal just letting him take those toys from her!

Kirby's mom

How Sam Sees It said...

What a silly boy he is!


Brenda said...

LOL! Lady does that "hoarding" too - I always interpret it as "MINE, ALL MINE!!!"

ForPetsSake said...

In that 1st pic, he looks so worried! Who can resist the siren song of the squeaker toy!!??

the booker man said...

mr. b's trying to claim all the stuffies before miss m takes them! his teepee is his toy box now. :)
btw, are those pecan pie puppies collars that the pooches are wearing? i love them!

the booker man and asa's mama

Susan Campisi said...

Mr. B is even more entertaining than Tommy! He cracks me up.

lindsay said...

Hope you don't mind this completely unrelated question but my husband and I are planning a trip to chicago. He's never been and it's been years since I've been. We have four days, what are your or your readers top ten of chicago must sees?

Daisy Dog said...

OMG this is hysterical!!

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

Lol- love how he races to his bed with his prize! That squeaking noise just about drove Kayloo nuts! Ha! Thanks for that! :)

Two Pitties in the City said...

Hey Lindsay--
Just offhand I would probably recommend the following: Architectural Cruise, Outdoor Concert at Millenium Park, Museum Campus, Drinks at the Signature Lounge at the top of the Hancock--instead of the Sears Tower--riding the Brownline to see more of the city, Pequods Deep Dish Pizza, Lincoln Park Zoo...
If you want to contact us via the sidebar, and give us more specific info your trip (time of year, where you're coming from, what you like to do, types of restaurants you like) I could probably give you more specific information. It's a fun place to visit!

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