Monday, April 11, 2011

Update on the Special Pooches, Saved by a Community of Dog Lovers, in Memory of Shy/Khloe

 This weekend I was able to stop by Unleashed where the pooches saved in memory of Shy/Khloe are recuperating. They have each gotten over a bout of kennel cough, are growing glossy, black coats, and are in excellent spirits. When they're together they act like littermates, even going so far as to choose to play with matching toy bumblebees out of a whole selection of toys:
Though now that they're out of the shelter environment, you can really see their true personalities. The pooch who was loosing her hair, due to mange, has been sporting regrowth and the vets are quite impressed by her progress. She is very confident, eager to please, and learning new tricks quite quickly:
The pooch with the broken leg and wound is a very sweet and a bit more shy. She is so responsive to affection and absolutely loves to play despite dragging a heavy cast. She is now sporting purple polka-dots that while being fashionable, also give her an extra leg-up on her playmate:
The big scab has fallen off of her wound, and her leg is on the way to mending.They are both such happy dogs that it's difficult to think that they would have been put down, if it weren't for the generosity of the online community.
We will give an update on names once Shy/Khloe's family has decided. The pooch with mange has moved into a foster home, while the pooch with the broken leg has about a week or so to recover, but is looking for a foster home. We're hoping to find these special pooches a great family; if you are anyone you know are interested, they are available through Project Rescue in Chicago. (And thank you Project Rescue for taking the pooches on, coordinating their vet visits, helping them recuperate and find their new homes).
We will continue to post more "real-time" photos and updates on our Facebook page. 


Anonymous said...

They are so stinkin' cute! Love how happy they are and I have no doubt they'll find forever homes quickly!!

Maggie said...

How wonderful! They look so much happier. You guys did a very wonderful thing. I hope they find their perfect forever homes very soon!

Anonymous said...

I love how you guys have a knack for picking dogs that look alike! So wonderful to see them finally blossoming! Great job!!

Anonymous said...

i love that family of them resting, with pegleg pooch on top of mangey pooch :)

jet said...

they are beautiful.....

parlance said...

Such lovely animals. It's great that they now have a chance at a good life.

jen said...

Glad to hear that they are both doing well! They look like they are soul mates:)

Kate said...

What a great update! I'm so glad they're both doing well!

Trissi_V said...

They look like they are doing awesome! Thanks for keeping us updated.

I love good news on a Monday. :-)

Kitty+Coco said...

So wonderful to hear these two are doing so well. Kitty loves them because they look like her. They really do look like they have Boston Terrier in them from their coloring. Neat.

I sure do wish they could be adopted together..Sigh.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Kudos to you guys!!
Benny & Lily

brooke said...

Love the polka dot cast! its too bad they cant be fostered (adopted) together as they seem like perfect companions for eachother!

Tucker The Crestie said...

Oh, what sweet girls! They look so happy and so full of life!

We can't wait to learn what their names are!

Oh, P.S. we love your new blog design! Very nice!

houndstooth said...

They both look so sweet! They are going to make some families very happy one day soon! Kudos to you and everyone involved who is helping these girls on their way!

Anonymous said...

Ohmidogness! They are just the sweetest, cutest babies EVER! I am so very grateful to you and everybuddy who helped along this a happy-ending-in-the-making!

Wiggles & Wags,

The Daily Pip said...

They are just beautiful! I am so happy they were given a second chance!

Your pal, Pip

Two Grad Students and a Pittie said...

were sooo happy for these awesome girls!

Chris said...

They are just adorable! It is really great that they are getting a second chance. I hope they find their forever homes soon......maybe together!

Maisie's Mom said...

they look great! 'tis a wonderful thing you have done...good karma must be heading your way.

Susan Campisi said...

Great photos! They look like twins. It's such a beautiful thing to see the spirit of these dogs come to life, all out of the love and kindness of some good-hearted humans.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear they are healing up nicely :) Wonderful to see them enjoying life :)


Kari in Alaska said...

so glad to hear about all their progress! They are such beautiful pups and I love the polka dots :)


Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

This is such a wonderful story- so great they are doing so well! Well done you guys!

Laura and Hans said...

Such beautiful sweet dogs! It just breaks my heart that there are so many of them out there.

ForPetsSake said...

I am so happy to hear about these adorable kiddos! I am so in love withe the endearing cuddle action that Pitties always seem to do. Sweet.
The space where they are is so nice - great decor ;)

Anonymous said...

They are sooooo cute! It never ceases to amaze me that animals can continue being so sweet after they've been treated so horribly by humans. I agree with others that it would be very nice if they could somehow find a home together, but I'm sure that might be asking too much :) I'm just glad that they've both been saved and can go on and hopefully live long happy lives!

Mary said...

I'm so happy to see them playing and enjoying life! Ahhh, it's so nice to see with all the sad stories I read. I hope to see a post soon saying they have both found perfect forever families.

A Confessed Pit Bull Addict said...

Oh my gosh - look how much they've grown since we found them! Yay nameless pooches! And yay you for helping put this good (great!) deed in motion.

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