Monday, June 6, 2011

Single Black&White Female/ Bella does Wicker Park

 Last year I began applying Sex in the City advice to dog rescue: if you put yourself "out there" and you're always out doing something, you will stumble upon your perfect match. So we thought this would be a perfect opportunity for Bella, who just had her cast removed and is now ready to be adopted, to get "out there" to meet her new family.
See, Bella is a very special dog. And she used to look like this:
With this huge chemical burn on her back:
Bella was slated to be euthanized, but was saved, through extraordinary circumstances, to have a second chance for a happy life.
Trying to make a long story short: the online community was taken with the story of a sweet, courageous, special-needs pitbull named Shy. Shy had developed cataracts from late onset diabetes, and was slated to be euthanized, but she was saved by an amazing vet student and the online community that rallied together donating to help her get cataract surgery to become more adoptable and lead a happy life. Sadly, the day after all the funds were raised, Shy unexpectedly passed away. You can read the complete story here.
We all decided to use the funds to save some dogs in Shy's honor, specifically, to help special-needs pitbulls that would have been overlooked.
Bella was isolated away in the medical wing, which was so quiet with many sick and down-trodden dogs. But each time we passed by, all you heard was a tremendous "thump, thump, thump" of this pup's tail hitting against the cage. And it was this excitement and spirit from an obviously injured pup that reminded us so much of Heather's description of Shy:
Despite her horrible circumstances, she wagged her tail through the entire visit and smiled that adorable pit bull grin whenever anyone got near her. While in her kennel, she was quiet and obedient until someone approached her – then her tail would wag so hard against the stainless steel cage that it could almost be heard anywhere in the hospital. 
We couldn't believe she was still such a happy dog after all she'd been through. And knowing she was going to be put down we knew we had to get her out. Bella spent the past couple of months in a cast, but she has finally had her cast removed and she is available for adoption.We were so excited to take her out on the town this weekend. Miss M loaned Bella one of her special-occasion collars which looked so sharp with her coloring and one of the best ways to get extra petting:
We started with a stroll to check out the sights in Wicker Park where many people stopped her to comment on her good looks:
 We stopped by the Farmer's Market and had a short picnic in the park:
She took some time to model by the fountain:
Then took some time for a 'wardrobe change' and headed over to the 'Do Division' neighborhood street festival. The pooches snacked on some doggie ice-cream:
And Bella was so exhausted by her adventures out on the town, she spent the rest of the afternoon curled around E's leg.
 We absolutely loved having Bella join our pack for the day out; she is so sweet and loves to curling up with her people. She was so great with other dogs; even bossy Miss M who Bella was continually giving smooches on the face. We found it so hard to believe she was almost euthanized. We are very excited for Bella to find her new family. She is available through Project Rescue with her complete profile here.
We'll keep additional Bella updates on our Facebook page here.
P.S. Yesterday we met a couple of you who knew Miss M and Mr. B through the blog. It was so great to meet you, and thanks for saying hi!


Anonymous said...

What a pretty girl!! I can't imagine it taking too long for her new family to find her.

Two Grad Students and a Pittie said...

Bella is gorgeous! She looks like a good picnic pup! She fit right in with your pack, and I hope this post helps her find that perfect family!

jen said...

Bella looks wonderful! I don't think it will take long for her to find her forever home!

Peppy Sheppys said...

Fantastic! It's wonderful that you're able to get Bella out and about so that she can find a perfect home. Someone will be very lucky to be rescued by her indeed.

Sheps w/Pep, Otis & Edgrr

parlance said...

Bella is well-named. She is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

that photo of her with E's feet is the cutest thing ever. i also love how tolerant your dogs are of puppies in their space. we can get chick to accept other dogs, but only with lots of time and patience.

Kate said...

She is so darn cute. Hopefully she'll run into her forever family while you guys have her out and about!

Corbin said...

Bella sure does look great! So happy to see such a good thing happen because of Shy!

Unknown said...

Bella looks AMAZING! Not only does she look incredible happy, but her coat is so shiny :)

Tucker The Crestie said...

Can't believe how amazing Bella looks! We hope she'll find her new family very soon. (It was very nice of Miss M. to loan Bella her special collar.)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Such a beautiful girl. We are happee to know she is now safe
Benny & Lily

Heather said...

She looks fantastic! I can't believe how far she's come and you guys are awesome for taking her out on the town and putting her gorgeous face out there. I'm sure she'll get adopted quickly - I'm so glad that we raised the money - even though Shy couldn't be helped medically, we got to save a couple of sweet pups that will bring lots of love and happiness to the people around them :)

Patty said...

What a sweet looking girl. I hope she finds her forever home real soon!

Btw I love Miss M's collars!

A Confessed Pit Bull Addict said...

I'm so glad you had such a great day with little Bella! I heard there may be other Bella news on the way soon - fingers crossed!

Trissi_V said...
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Trissi_V said... you have a couple of "peeping pits" in the 5th photo?

Bella is such a little cutie! It won't be long before she finds her forever home.

Alexis said...

I love Bella! She is so adorable! I was at Do Division this weekend too and really wish I had run into you all.

Kari in Alaska said...

Bella is beautiful!


Kirby, CGC said...

Bella is absoultely adorable! How nice of you to be able to foster her and get her out and about. Mr. B and Miss M are definitly the right dogs for her to hang around with!

Kirby's mom

brooke said...

That last picture is so cute! Bella looks good in Miss M's special occasion collar!

houndstooth said...

Bella was cute before, but now she is even more adorable after regaining her health! I love that picture of her and Miss M looking in the window with their fancy collars on. I think she's going to make someone fantastically happy as a pet! I don't think it will take long for her to find a home.

Maisie's Mom said...

OMG she is so adorable I am gritting my teeth looking at the pics. love her. adore her. thinking of being her for Halloween. ;)

Anonymous said...

So glad Bella has her cast off and is doing well! She is soooo cute and will definitely be a wonderful dog for someone.

Anonymous said...

Bella is marvelous! So great y'all could take her out on the town :) If we had more of a yard, Mom says we'd definitely be yakkin at ya bout Bella becoming my pal. Sadly at the moment only room enough for moi. Y'all have huge hearts! :D

Waggin at ya,

Anonymous said...

Such a cutie! She looks like she could be my Turk's sister! Can't wait to hear what lucky family gets her!

Mary said...

That last picture is too darling. It breaks my heart that she almost didn't make it and that many more like her don't make it. But, you have to focus on what you can do and you all saved this girl's life. What a sweetheart.

Was Ms. M jealous that there was another beautiful lady there taking the attention away from her? Or maybe she liked it because another adorable dog attracted that much more attention. I hope Bella finds a perfect home soon!

keith said...

she is so beautiful!

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I just found this blog and have high hopes for it to continue. Keep up the great work, its hard to find good ones. I have added to my favorites. Thank You.

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