Maybe I am becoming the 'crazy dog lady'...but I don't want to look like it. So to keep our home from looking like an aisle of Petsmart, we try to find things that naturally fit into our decor The only problem is most of the really cute things made for pets can be really expensive.
We've realized one 'secret' is to find everyday things that we would buy for our home anyway that can double as dog products, like these canisters for our home dog treat bar, floor cushions as multi-room dog beds, and of course, Mr. B's tepee instead of a crate.
When we switched the pooches over to their new diet, with Sojos and raw canned food, things became a bit messier than just feeding kibble. We found we needed heavier bowls because they were pushing everything around as they ate, and we wanted a placement to catch the drippings.Each of our dogs is served their meals individually in their own crates. When we were looking at ceramic bowls I just wanted something simple, but everything was either crazy colors or outrageously priced. It was only when we stopped into CB2 looking for something for ourselves that we realized these modern bowls
were big enough and are a mere $7 each. At the same time we were able to pick up these easy-to-wipe placemats that are now on sale for only $1 each. Even Miss M seems shocked about that.

Anyone else have any good feeding tips?
I love those place mats! I'm very lazy about feeding the pups- they have mismatched bowls. If little Murphy makes it out of the hospital, she'll need elevated bowls for the rest of her life. I like them for big dogs, but they aren't nearly as stylish as your set up!
I bought Max's raised feeder at Home Goods for next to nothing. It took me a few trips to land one but it was worth it.
So funny we wrote about similar things today. Were trying to start to feed Havi everything in her kong, but we have a similar easy-to-wipe placemat from target
We feed all three of our pups in stainless steel bowls that have rubber edging. They won't slide all over the floor when they push them. I found that since we have to add enzymes to our Corgi's food for her EPI(which frankly,stink), the stainless doesn't hold onto smells or tastes. They wash REALLY clean in the dishwasher.
If you check consignment shops or garden centers, you can actually find raised planters that can work for feeding the babies.
Immediately ordered both bowls and placemats! Stella is not a messy eater but has a drinking problem so I just put her bowls on an ikea rack like this one (only much cheaper)
OK that comment didn't work, so basically it's a slotted shoe rack from ikea!
My steam mop has become hugely important now that I'm feeding Billy raw. He not only slops his dinner everywhere and pushes the bowl around the kitchen, he'll sometimes pick it up and wander off to a spot in the living room so he can lick it out at his leisure! I may have to steal your ceramic bowl idea - thanks.
Check out - their raised feeders are classic, simple and don't cost over $100, like many elevated feeders. I'm not sure how much shipping to Chicago might be but they're worth checking out!
I recently saw a water bowl in the shape of a mini toilet. Being raised up, I'm looking for a mini garbage can to place her food bowl in. Fun AND funny.
I have the raised feeders that I purchased at Petsmart that have the stainless steel bowls. The great part is that you can throw the in the dishwasher easily!
The feeders are great for large dogs and my vet told me that it helps with my golden's digestion as well. I love Harry Barker (based out of Charleston, SC) and Dr. Foster & Smith. Two of my favorite places to get dog supplies!
Your apartment is so gorgeous! I love the accent pillows on the couches, and the idea of floor pillows as dog beds. We definitely could use more things like that...part of the problem is that Kevin and I have both moved pretty much every year since we were 18, and as a result, our place is a hodgepodge of stuff!
We too are looking to get raised feeders. My husband can probbably build something..maybe. We finally broke down and bought fancy modern bowls with rubber stopper bottoms to keep the metal ID tags from clanging like a dinner bell. I'm loving your mats though..I need those!!
Those are pretty similiar to our feeding bowls. I am needing a new one for Bella but like you dont' want to give an arm and leg for one. All ours have different bowls and they all know not to eat out of each others as well. But you know us we have strange eating places. Winston on the ottoman, Amiee on her dog bed and Bella has taken over Cleo's old spot in the kitchen. We used the raised bowls for our bloodhound Tabby and it was a huge difference in her eating and her stomach issues seemed to get a lot better when we did that for her. Of course your babies are so well behaved. I still want to know when I can send Winston for training. BOL Sniffs, Sherri and The HoundDogs
Love those bowls! So much better than the typical dog bowl. Our problem was trying to find a stylish raised feeder. They have nice ones out there, but like you said, so expensive. We settled on a cheapy metal raised one, but hope to one day upgrade to a nice modern one.
You and your dogs certainly have lots of style! I had missed the post on what diet you currently have them on now - I am always interested to read what people are feeding - and it's awesome that Sojos stepped forward to sponsor Bessie Belle and Claudia!
We have raised food bowls that are stainless steel and the raised section we bought at IKEA a few years ago (I can't find any information on any pet supplies from IKEA online). When I wanted to raise their water dishes, I raided the collection of old encyclopedias my grandmother had given me and we had sitting in the garage (think 1965 edition encyclopedias). I piled them 4 high and they've nicely raised the water dishes without breaking the bank. Maybe raid your local thrift shop, or use your own old college texts to hold up the food dishes.
you guys crack usup...adorable. We were thinking of trying raised bowls too
Benny & Lily
we have different bowls depending on the dogs. We use a stair instead of a raised feeder since it takes up a lot less space
Stop on by for a visit
Be careful with raised feeders - I'm no expert (by any stretch) but everything I've read says that raised feeders increase the likelihood that your pooch can develop the dreaded and potentially fatal bloat.
Love! This is awesome because my house has just filled up with cat things ever since adopting my new cat. It's a good idea to make your pets things function with your decor. Now I've got to get rid of the bright blue plastic feeding bowls!
I'll have what Miss M is eating, please.
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