We've been wanting to get Mr. B the
Uncle Milton Pet's EyeView Camera, but we were very hesitant because of the mixed reviews on Amazon.com. Despite the poor reviews, we decided to turn Mr. B into a photographer. The camera has a plastic clip that clips onto the collar or harness and the camera hangs down from the clip. The only thing is that since the camera has to hang down for it to be positioned correctly, Mr. B's tongue can get in the way. The camera has a 40 picture capacity and a built in timer with interval settings at 1, 5 or 15 minutes. For our short walks, we have found the 1 minute interval to work well and our long walks we switch between 1 and 5 minutes, depending on where we are; I wish there was a 2 or 3 minute interval. The picture resolution is 640 x 480 and we have read accounts of damaged cameras from pets drinking water, since it's not waterproof. We noticed that most of our pictures come out blurry, since the camera is moving a lot on our walks and some pictures are distorted from Mr. B's drool, but we do get some interesting photos and it's actually quite exciting to download the pictures to see what came out. Here are some of our test shots from Mr. B using the camera at home.
Sitting out on the porch in the sun and really hot weather with Wilma.

Laying at the foot of the patio furniture.

Watching Ms. M getting reprimanded for scratching her face to the point that it started bleeding and she now has to wear the beloved cone.

Checking out the paws.

Hanging out indoors after they have been
konged. Watching Ms. M as she does what she does best. We would have had more interesting photos, but we decided to come back and take the pooches with us.

Stay tuned for Mr. B's photos for the daily walks.
Those are too funny! Poor Miss M...hopefully she'll stop scratching!
What an awesome thing - I have to get me one of those for Fred! The pictures are funny!!
Haha! You never know. He might turn out to be the next Annie B-ovitz! And then you could sell those pictures for a million green papers.
Oh, and Miss M...sorry about the cone, girlfurend. (Are you coming to Ruby and Penny's bachelorette pawty? If so, we could just pretend the cone is a lampshade.)
Wiggles & Wags,
I've thought about getting one of these too - they seem like such a neat idea! Mr. B is going to be quite the paparazzi dog!
I would love to get one of those cameras for Roxie for when she's out in the yard. What I'd really like though is something that let's me read her mind. I would love to know what thoughts are going on in that devious little mind.
That's a really cool device. I wonder if they make water-proof ones. I might be adding this to my Christmas list!
That is too cool!
I'm gonna see if momma will buy one for me!!
Wow that is pretty cool we have been eyeing this too. Maybe we could get momma to buy us one.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
So cool! I want to get one for Darwin!!! I love this, but yea.. you'd think they'd make it waterproof considering some dogs are very drooly or are messy water drinkers. I'd love Darwin to wear one on her play dates with her brother!
Can't wait to see more pictures!
Interesting pics from the eyeview cam... you never know what shows up next :)
Licks, hero
What fun, our pictures would pretty much be of some part of the couch...and or the cones we are living in right now. Hope Miss M is freed of hers soon!
Mr. Nubbin'
That is hysterical. What a great idea. It's understandable they would be blurry. Good job photo journalist
Benny & Lily
I had one of those too and got some really great pictures but one day it just stopped charging. It was dead. Mom hasn't bought me a replacement so my photojournalist dreams are now turned over to Mr. B!!
Sorry about the itchies, Miss M. Allergies??
Way too cool! I want one! I want one! I want one! Wait a minute...hmmm....it might take photos of things I do that I might not want Mom to know about.
Careful what you look at Mr. B!
Your pitties are so cute! I saw your blog on the Pet Blog Hop and wanted to let you know about this pit bull rescue fundraiser artforpitties that I just blogged about. Please check it out and help promote it!
Oh my gosh! That is just totally cool! I would love to try out one of those! I may have to head to Amazon now!
Oh boy! I can't wait for the photos! And Ms. M: get well soon, sweetie!
Oh, the photos I could take. They'd be having to up the ante on treats after I got a few shots of the pawrents in their underwears. Has Mr. B given any thought to blackmail or is this going to be straight photojournalism?
wags, Lola
Who would of Guessed they would have made a camera for the pooches view on the world. We can't wait to see more pictues of your next walk!
mr. b is a professional photographer now! that is really neat.
what happened that miss m's face got all itchy? i'm sorry she has to wear that horrible cone. poor girl. :(
awwww poor ms. m and the cone of shame....but wow--great shots mr. b~!! mum and i look forward to more pictures~!! :D
Whoa...that was fun, but we are kinda dizzy!!
Roo saw this really cool video this morning on The Bully Blogger http://sockloveslucy.blogspot.com/ He thought Miss M, Mr. B and Wilma would like to watch.
Go to bottom of today's post and click on link: the loyalty of a pit bull...
Roo's eyes leaked on this one,
These pictures are so cute. It's definitely more fun when there are other dogs to get pictures of. It would be interesting to see what he captures when you're not home, but I would worry about the camera getting destroyed somehow.
I'm so exited about Mr. B!! We look forward to seeing his masterpieces :)
Love Mr. B's point of view. Notice how he kept his distance from Ms. M's reprimanding. Looking forward to many more pics.
Poor Ms. M in her cone!! Her mini-me Kitty is wincing in shame for her.
Kitty and Coco
we've been thinking about trying that too. I think BC would provide the best images in our house :)
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That's AWESOME! You know I'm going to have to get one of those.
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