Monday, September 27, 2010

Pooches: Mr B's Chicago Marathon Training

This summer I've been "training" to run my 7th marathon. At the beginning of the season, I had high hopes that Mr. B would keep me company on some of my shorter, less exciting runs. Unfortunately, with all of the hot weather, Mr. B decided he would really rather spend his energy doing this:
But now with this cool weather rushing in, Mr. B has rebounded and is back to his old self. "Bulldozer Mr. B" has returned with even more pent up energy. I decided to take him on some of my shorter maintenance runs. These are typically only 3 miles. Since Mr. B hasn't really been running a lot, I decided to treat him like a novice runner with a slower pace and a run-walk type of program. But like most first-time runners, Mr B was way too excited and went out like a roaring stallion:
For the past couple of weeks I've actually been doing some 20+ mile long runs on the weekends. I do really enjoy these because I run along the Chicago Lakefront path running along the beaches, through Navy Pier, and I even discovered the new butterfly field on the south lakefront. For Chicago-people familiar with the area, I've been running from Wicker Park to the lake, along the lakefront past the Museum of Science and Industry, then back home. So in comparison, my 3 mile runs are kind of boring. I was happy to have Mr. B accompany me, and these were some of the things we saw on our short run.
Skyline view from our neighborhood:
Juxtaposition of new stores in old architectural buildings:
Over the Chicago River. Sometimes there are kayakers in this river, and they've even found alligators a little further north.
Graffiti bridge:
 Looking up at downtown buildings:
After the initial excitement, Mr. B did calm down a bit. I was careful not to make him do too much too soon, and he was quite tired when we got home and passed out on the floor. And being the drama queen that she is, making sure Mr. B didn't steal her attention, Miss M had to dramatically sprawl out right next to him:


Anonymous said...

How fun to have a running partner! I'm sure Mr. B enjoys it as much as you do! Keep up the good work you crazy woman! :)

Corbin said...

Love the pictures!!! Especially the one of Mr. B ready to go!

The Daily Pip said...

Don't worry Josie and I took care of the alligators in the river! I am most impressed with Mr. B's endurance!!

Your pal, Pip

Laura and Hans said...

I thought when I got Wilbur I would get more excercise. NOT! He has absolutely no endurance and I actually had to pick him up and carry him the other day. This was the day after he'd been to Doggy Day Care and I think he was still worn out.
Poor Mr B does all the work and Miss M tries to look like she did too!

dw said...

Wow, that's a long run (to the Museum of Science and Industry and back)! It's nice that you can take Mr. B for the shorter runs and have some company and some good dog time with him. You're so right about the weather, too. I hardly did any walking this summer because it was just too hot (and I felt like Mr. B looked, heehee!). But the cooler weather now is just great! Good luck in the training and the marathon!

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

We had great plans for my second dog, Kayloo, to be John's running buddy. No go.

Really awesome you can run with your pup!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, that's a really, really far way to run! My mom started running for the first time ever this summer and I volunteered to go with her. But she said I sniff and pee too much. I think she's ker-azy! I mean, is it ever pawsible to sniff and pee TOO much?

Anyways, I'm very proud (and kinda jealous) of Mr. B for his athletic prowess. Tell him not to worry abouts Miss M's dramatics. We all know the truth!

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS. My mom read that book "The White City" while we were on vacation and so she feels like she knows the history of your city a whole lot better now. She even knew what you were talking about when you mentioned that museum!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Great job Mr. B. We were tired just thinking about l that running. We love the picture. Is that a mirror?
Benny & Lily

Daisy Dog said...

Glad the weather is better! I am sure Mr B loves the runs, they look like fun!

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

It is always better when you have someone to run with. Mr.B I bet is an awesome running partner. Thanks for the Great Pictures.

brooke said...

hahahaha. I love that picture of Mr B running along side you! So funny!

AC said...

I also love Mr B's Stallion picture! Look at him go! It's nice to have our pups to run with, even if just to mix things up.

It seems like we've swapped weather recently. It's pushing 110 out here. No so fun for training!

Anonymous said...

I love that Mr B runs with you. I hope to do the C25K program starting next month (after we move) and I can't wait to take Boots along. He loves to run at the dog park so I'm sure he's going to be in heaven like Mr B. You guys have such views in Chicago :)

Zona said...

What an exciting time! I would LOVE to run with you and Mr. B. My mom takes me out for hikes but she's not a runner. Running is one of my most favorite things.

LOVE the last picture!


Liz said...

"...shorter maintenance runs...usually just 3 miles." Just 3 miles. I don't think I could run one. lol. I really need to get back to my regular exercise routine. I love the last pic and the commentary.

Kari in Alaska said...

My dogs haven't gotten walked in 3 days. Record highs in LA, hit 113 today!


Neeko said...

Mr. B can run...
Thank you for sharing these cool pictures of the city :o)
Miss M is sooo beautiful!

Neeko :o)

houndstooth said...

I had a good giggle over the idea of you running the whole thing with Mr. B and his rearing stallion routine! My hat's off to you for being able to run over twenty miles!

Behold, the Seven Wonders of Illinois! So far, we've been to three. I am wondering if we can make it to the rest this year. If I recall correctly, you've been to at least one of them yourself!

Meeka said...

Your 7th marathon! That's in less than two weeks. We'll be cheering for you.

jen said...

Wow! That is great that you can run that far, I have problems running to the end of my driveway!
Mr.B looks great in the photo, he just looks so muscular!

kissa-bull said...

aww mr b musta been so tired us pudgy pibbles shall live vicariously through strong athletes such as mr b and miss m is just too much!!!

Mary said...

That picture of Mr. B. is so hilarious because we usually see pictures of him acting like a complete gentleman on the leash. I'm sure I've said this before, but I would love it if Levi would run with me because it would kill two birds with one stone. But then I would probably not have my lazy dog that sleeps in on weekends and that I have to drag off the couch in the morning for his walk.

That Ms. M. is always trying to steal Mr. B.'s thunder!

Peppy Sheppys said...

OOOH! I am not so much of a running pittie, though I could definitely win a napping marathon in record time. It's great that Mr. B can keep you companies!

Otis T. Potus

Road Dog Tales said...

Synchronized sprawling - love it! So glad that you have a most excellent running companion. Only Cooper in our family could keep up with you:)

The Road Dogs

Rescued Pittie Family said...

I feel like Mr. B after just reading this.
20 mile run??
Oh my good gravy... not in a million years.

Bravo to you and Mr. B for making a 3 mile run.

I'd be more like Ms. M.... yep, that'd be me. Sprawled out on the floor pretending I'd made the great trek but grateful I didn't ;)

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