Monday, May 13, 2013

SociaBulls: The Things we Carry

When I was thinking about all the different types of bags we prepare for our dogs, I realized we also have a bag specifically for our SociaBulls walks. 
The pups always get excited, knowing it's SociaBulls time, whenever we take out our bag. 
These are the things we carry for the entire group and ourselves:
First Aid Kit
Many of our walks are filled with broken glass, plus seeing how easily this can happen, we were so excited when Maria and Radar's people put together a first-aid kit for the group. It's comprehensive enough that it includes supplies for all types of incidents (thanks Maria and Radar's people!)

Since we are a walking group in the city, we work to find places that aren't as populated where we won't run into as many other people and dogs. It seems like in many cases other people have the same idea and our secret spots are really secret off-leash dog spots. While it has never happened, in the small chance an aggressive off-leash or stray dog tries to approach any of the dogs in our group we have: a blow horn and citronella direct-stop spray. (We wrote more about it, here!)

Walkie Talkies
For some of our bigger walks where there might be street crossings where people get left back, our dogless walkers carry walkie talkies at the front and the back to make sure nobody gets left behind.
Water & Bowls
Especially since the weather was so hot during the summer, we stop halfway through our walks for a water break. We've also learned a lot about portable water bowls after seeing what many of the other members use.

High-Value Treats
The walks can be so exciting for the dogs, we ask members to bring high-value treats to keep their pups focused on them. This helps eliminate any hard stares and overall excitement for the pups as they are focusing on their people. It's also really important at the beginning and during the water breaks.

What are some other must-haves people bring on their walks?

Join our Chicago SociaBulls Facebook page for more photos and information about group walks. And check out the Hikabull page where we first learned about the benefits of group walking.



jet said...

the first aid kid is such a great idea. I really need to put one together for bush walks for the dogs.

Unknown said...

Talked to a gentleman at an adoption event on Saturday whose pit bull was reactive but getting better. He had her there for socialization but let everyone know her situation. I told him about the YELLOW RIBBONS to put on leashes to alert others a dog needs space. We need a first aide kit!

Anonymous said...

Great stuff to carry... I never thought about carrying a deterrent of some sort though!

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a cool idea about the walkie talkies
Benny & Lily

Hannah@Eriesistibull said...

Can you give us more details about what you put in your first aid kit? Right now, our walks are relatively short - to allow everyone to get into the swing of things - so it's quick to run back to a car, but if we ever get going longer, it may not be possible.

I bring yellow ribbons for any of our "dogs-in-progress" and a check-in sheet to make sure that everyone has submitted an application and so we can keep track of who has come!

We encourage everyone to bring water and treats, but we always have extra - and we make sure everyone "cleans up" after themselves! Of course, we also bring a camera (!) and some make-shift business cards, in case we meet anyone along the way.

We also bring deterrent, although I will definitely look into a blowhorn. Have you had to use either? Which one do you use when?

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