Since this is our first real summer vacation weekend in Chicago, we want to start off right by going to as many city events as we can, like
the Chicago Annual Pride Parade. While taking the pooches on a walk, we noticed that they were closing a major Chicago street for what looked like a neighborhood festival, which turned out to be the
Green Music Festival.

We love our neighborhood and welcome anything that brings business and people into our neighborhood and hopefully change the stereotype of where we live. After one of our walks, we took the pooches to the festival to check out the music and bites from some of our neighborhood restaurants.

Though we have lived in this area of Chicago for sometime, we elect to eat in most of the time, so we rarely get to enjoy the local fare. Apparently a lot of our neighbors have decided to do the same thing, because it seemed like everyone was out with their pooches.

Since it was quite warm and we already went on a long walk, the pooches were really beat.

However, Ms. M had enough energy to say hi to some new people.

The highlight of the walk was meeting these two beautiful American Bulldogs

and this Mastiff.

Though we did not stay to hear the bands that night or the next day, the festival was so close to our place, that we could hear the music clearly from our porch. It was nice to enjoy dinner outside, while listening to some live music from the comfort of our patio. It felt like we were picnicking at Millennium Park or Ravinia, well not quite.

The low part was when this one guy told us that he has two dogs ready for Ms. M and Mr. B to fight. He was really shocked when we declined his offer and asked why we don't fight them. Ms M just wanted to get away from him, so she pulled us across the street. It's easy to say we wanted to be like Nancy Drew to bust this guy, but in reality, we didn't know what this guy was on and how dangerous he really was. Miss M was already getting bad vibes from him, and he was acting a bit crazy and erratic. We looked around for a police officer and couldn't find one and thought about calling 911, but we realized that it would have been futile because he only solicited for a fight. We are planning on attending this month's CAPS meeting to bring up this and other issues regarding dogs in the neighborhood.
wow, that is horrible that someone solicited your dogs for a fight. and pretty unbelieveable that he couldn't understand why you wouldn't want to. it's too bad you could not report him. i would've taken a picture or something to document it!
I cant believe that someone would just come up to you and want your dogs for a fight. I really hate that people ruin good times. I understand why you felt you couldnt report him. I loved seeing the other dogs out there, glad yall had fun!
Wow! People have a lot of nerve! Besides that encounter, sounds like a great time!
That guys sounds super creepy. Otherwise, sounds like you all had a great time!
Yikes, that guy would have seriously rattled me. I just don't understand how people can do that. The indecent proposals are bad enough ...
On a more upbeat note though, I LOVE how much you guys take the pups around town with you. Ms. M seems like she just eats up the attention and Mr. B seems so cool with it all.
I'm sorry to hear about the creep ruining an otherwise great day. I've never been asked if I want to fight my pit, but I do get asked 1) what's her bloodline and 2) do you want to breed her all the time (like yesterday). Since the "offers" usually come from people in my neighborhood with happy, healthy, loved (but not fixed) pits, they don't really creep me out. I just make a point of saying she's from the pound, and fixed, and that there are so many great puppies at the pound that even if she weren't fixed I wouldn't want her to have a litter.
But being asked to FIGHT your dogs... I'm sorry. That must have been so upsetting.
What a cool festival! Ours would have loved all that attention.
What is it with weird crazy people walking the streets lately? This week I've come across two, and seeing even one is unusual. I'd have walked off and left him, too.
Oh my, just the thought of somebody wanting Miss M or Mr. B to fight is terrible! I'm glad Miss M had the good sense to pull you across the street and away from that guy.
The pics from the Green Music Fest are neat! Looks like someone brought their um, erm horse instead of a dog in that one pic!! Hee! Can you say humungo dog!
Miss M sure is smart. She knows who to gets lovins from and who to stay away from! What a wacko crazy person. I can't imagine either Miss M or Mr. B in a fight.
I'm Most Happy you had such a wonderful time the rest of the time, though.
Wiggles & Wags,
I think this also reinforces your concerns about dogs being stolen and how you should never leave them unattended. It wouldn't suprise me if people like him took advantage of that and steal dogs to be used for fighting. It just gives me the chills.
I can't imagine much that's more rude than enjoying a nice family day out and being asked if you want to fight. Ms. M probably would have been terribly offended if she wasn't already creeped out by the man. We dogs really do know sometimes. It looks as if everyone had a good time anyway, though, and that's what's impawtent.
wags, Lola
OMG. I cant believe someone wanted to fight your dogs. Outrageous!
That looks like a great festival and there was even a Dane!
Oh my God I would have been horrified.
And then I would have laughed; "My dog is a model. I'm not messing up her pretty face." (jokes to cover my horror)
And then gotten the hell out of dodge.
There is a guy in our neighborhood that creeps me out like that.
I just hope to God he does not know where we live and thank God we don't have a gate door on our privacy fence.
Bless you're hearts.
Give the pooches kisses and hugs from Nashville.
The nerve! Ms. M knew that guy was bad news right away. We should listen to our pups more often because they know when something is wrong. You must have been pooped to lay down on the sidewalk. It might be a small dog thing, but I hate for my belly to touch anything but cloth surfaces.
We love seeing that french mastif! So few of those around but so gorgeous.
Hey anything that semi reminds you of ravinia is FANTASTIC!!!!
I think there is a dog fight task force in Chicago, don't know too much about it, but you can probably learn more at your CAPS meeting.
I hope your neighborhood is firework free this weekend. Fortunately, ours usually is pretty quiet!
Your pal, Pip
someone always has to ruin the good time. grr
I love that E and BC have matching hoodies :)
That is just plain crazy! I can't believe someone would come up to you and ask you about dog fighting!
Takes one crazy person to ruin a good night.
Thanks for visiting our blog, we love to have new blogging buddies and you are close to us in Illinois. Your fur-babies are absolute beautiful, I love that first picture, looks like they were truly enjoy themselves. I to can't believe some stranger would approach you like that, at least the fur-babies new they needed to get away quickly. I truly think they sense the bad people. We look forward to hearing your stories and journey's. The HoundDogs.
Sorry you had to meet that awful man...but it looks like a fabulous time!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Thanks for stopping by. I like meeting new friends and reading their blogs. It was nice seeing a glimpse of the city you live in. Looking forward to seeing more. Sorry about you guys meeting a weirdo.
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