We have been so lucky this summer with the amazing weather. We spend our days sitting out on the porch with the pooches prepping for the upcoming school year or doing work for our summer classes. Before becoming a teacher, I never realized how much work is done outside of the classroom. Regardless, we are trying to take full advantage of the weather in this great city of ours. With Wilma in the mix, we have been forced to leave our porch and go out and explore the city and meet new people. We have been to more street festivals this year than all of our years in Chicago. This past weekend, we went out to the inaugural Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival in Logan Square where we sat on the grass and the pooches met a ton of people. Mr. B took some snap shots with his new camera.

People were sitting all around us and like the social butterfly that she is, Ms. M would go from group to group.

People walking by could not resist Ms. M's smiling face and they would all have to stop to say hi. In the meantime, Wilma would just lay by us and hang out.

A loves hang out at the park and with Wilma in the mix, A had a companion that would lay nicely in the grass. In addition, Wilma would stop and smell the flowers, unlike Ms. M who would stop to eat the flowers and Mr. B who would stop to pee on the flowers.

Since we had three pooches, we were all forced to go on the daily walks together. It is always interesting to see what photos come out on Mr. B's camera.

Our neighborhood has an eclectic mix of different cultures that can be seen on our daily walk. We have
Alcala's Western Wear, a country western clothing megastore,

mobile ice cream carts and elotes carts,

permission walls on the side of buildings,

and a gelato place,
Black Dog Gelato. The pooches are waiting nicely while A gets the cucumber and rosewater gelato that she craves everyday. We are happy to write that Wilma is on a foster to adopt adventure and we hope her new family will be her forever family.
Yay for Wilma!! Hope this works out for her!!
too bad you guys can't keep wilma...she seems like she fits in so well with your family. but good luck to her!!!
I hope Wilma gets to go to a home with another canine sibling - she seems to really enjoy the company of her foster dogs!
Yay for Wilma! I'm sure they'll love her, and I hope y'all enjoyed this foster adventure enough to take on another.
As for me, I luvs to eat the flowers, THEN pee on them!
My paws are crossed real tight that Wilma has found her Most Perfect Home That Ever Was! But I'm sure gonna miss her sweet face. You should talk to the peoples about maybe starting her her own bloggie!
Wiggles & Wags,
YEAH for Wilma!!! We hope she has found her forever home too!!!
Roo didn't know they had "permission" walls. Just thought some odd humans painted walls at night. I learn something new every day :)
Crossing paws for Wilma :)
I didn't know they were called "permission walls"- we have one near our house.
Love that first shot :)
Good luck Wilma!
Oh yes, another vote for Wilma's forever pawrents to start a bloggie for her!!
Lots of luck for Wilma!
We love to go exploring the city with you guys. Ms M you need to show your brother and sister how to stop and smell the roses. We do like pee peeing on them too. Hope you guys had fun
Benny & Lily
We have all paws crossed here in Nh that this will be Wilma's forever home! Good Luck Wilma!
Great to see more of your city, I do hope it works out for Wilma
Yay Wilma!!! Good luck to you sweetie!!!
Lola Bugs
Oh my gosh! Fingers and toes crossed for Wilma. I might have gotten a tear in my eye too thinking that she could potentially be with her forever family. She seems like such a good girl, so I'm sure they will snatch her right up. Good luck, Wilma!
Congrats Wilma! I love permission walls, its really interesting to see the new art that goes up every week!
Don't forget! We've moved to dogisgodinreverse.com
We are wishing Miss Wilma the best of luck on her new adventure! We hope she has found her perfect match, alhtough we'll miss seeing her everyday!
I am so happy for Wilma! Mr. B. are you going to come to Frankie's bachelor pawty? I hope so - it is in Chicago and I am hosting it. Check out my blog for details.
Your pal, Pip
Yay Wilma, way to put yourself out there! You know they are just gonna luv you! Now, what was that you said about Gelato....
i am getting so used to seeing little wilma--i will be so sad when she is "gone". :(
but at the same time, i am hoping she finds that perfect family that she deserves~!!
Love the picture of Wilma smelling the flowers. It is so cool all the walks you go on. Our human wants to know, is it not been super duper HOT in the City. We know it has been HOT HOT in our little city south of you (Bloomington). You sure are showing Wilma the ropes. Sniffs, The Hounddogs
Hello Pitties,
we are so glad you came over and that we are friends.
you guys are adorable and mummy sends heaps of hugs for you both.
yeah..u guys are right. it's not about a backyard, it's about a large space in your heart. we too live in the city. being labradawgs we need to run a lot daily and the tiny garden we have is just too small. so we go out for walks everyday. thankfully we have found some places pretty close to our home where we can run around a lot.
have a grrrt day and keep us pupdated in the event of your finding something reelly intersting!
gin n bud
You are so lucky to live in a big city with such lovely sites and neat things to sniff.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
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