Poor Mr. B, now that Wilma has joined the pack, he gets more of his toys taken away from him. It was bad enough that Ms. M would use her monster paws to grab a bone that he was chewing or a toy that he was playing with, but now Wilma will just come right up and grab the bone or toy away from him. We thought that our pooch hierarchy would have Ms. M at the top, Mr. B in the middle and Wilma at the bottom, but it turns out that Mr. B is still at the bottom. In addition to his
mini me, his other favorite is this fuzzy bone. Just like his
mini me, he wants to take his fuzzy bone on the walk with him. This all started when Wilma kept taking the fuzzy bone, whenever Mr. B wanted to play with it.

He was so insistent on taking his fuzzy bone with him, that we couldn't resist. We think it is to ensure that he is the first to play with it when we get back.

Since it was really hot out, he would randomly drop it during our walk, so we would pick it up and throw it all over the place. Mr. B would get so excited,

that he would accidentally toss it in the air and hop around when he tried to grab it.

He would eventually calm down and pick up the fuzzy bone.

After awhile it was just too hot for him to carry and he chose panting over carrying his beloved toy.

So he decided to place the bone on his harness and carry it like a backpack,

away from the clutches of the evil step-pooch, Wilma.
Mr. Bi is such a silly guy! He doesn't look too tough carrying around his bone!
What a sweet boy!!! Haylie is no longer taking her toys with her on a walk because she is too busy panting in the heat to carry them, its sad really hahaha.
Love it!!
hahahahaha! Poor Mr. B just can't argue with those girls! I love his fuzzy bone backpack
I have two sisters too, so I know EXACTLY how you feel!
It's funny how the "wimmin" always win out. Roxy likes grab toys away from Jordie - nevermind that she didn't care about the toy when it was just laying there on the floor. Jordie wants it so she wants it.
Our boy Hawk was the same way with his rabbits and our fosters. I have some pictures of him sitting on them to protect them! We finally started putting his favorite toys up for him and that seemed to help him relax about it. I love that Mr. B carries it around in his harness! Maybe he needs a little clip on pouch for his harness!
Mr. B let me tell you I feel your pain. Lily steals everything. Women!!
Benny (& Lily)
With a knick knack paddy whack give the dog a bone
This ol' boy keeps rollin!
Smashing Mr. B!
mr. b,
it's tough livin' with ladies sometimes. they can just be so demanding like!! keep that fuzzy bone close! :)
the booker man
Poor poor Mr. B. But goodness that dog can get some air! I'm pretty sure all 4 paws are off the ground in the last picture!
You guys must look like a pittie herd coming down the street!
Mr B is so cute! I love that picture of him hopping in the air to get his bone! Darwin does the same thing, but without the hop.
I freakin' LOVE HIM!
You have a great blog and your dogs are very pretty! We rescued a pit about 7 months ago from a horrible situation and she is a gem.
Poor Mr. B!!! Still getting no respect from the girls!!! Hang in there big guy!!
Jess & Lilo
Poor Mister B! Boots feels his pain. Miles & Darla walk over him and his toys. He won't even grab a toy if it's near Darla or us. He patiently waits and stares.
I can't believe he doesn't destuff those toys. Mr. B. is even sweet and gentle with his stuffies. Levi would destroy that in like 5 seconds. Maybe Mr. B. needs a male friend to protect his toys from the ladies. I mean, I'm sure you could handle four, right?
love the air shot :) Does Wilma try and steal it from his harness?
Awww love the pic of him in the air!!!!
Lola Bugs
Whoa, Mr. B! You sure can FLY! I thinks you have come up with a Most Ingenious way to make sure Little Miss Wilma doesn't gets your bone when you get home. AND I luvs your backpack! And if I've never told you before, you have a most smoochable face!
Wiggles & Wags,
Aren't they funny? Just like a group of kids with the girls ganging up on the boy.
well, even if Mr B has decided he's still the bottom dog, doesn't mean you have to allow the other dogs to steal his toys. I would protect him from the bitches. Even though bitches DO rule.
This was the cutest post evers! Mr. B and his fuzzy bone walking along the city streets.... perfect!!!
That first shot is so cute- poor guy :)
That's cute carrying your fuzzy bone, and where you keep it.
See Yea George xxx
Mr B is such a cute guy! Love the picture of him jumping for the fuzzy bone. Sorry that the girls are giving you such a hard time.
Hope you guys are staying Cool.
Poor Mr. B... having to deal with Wilma, but he sure is adorable in his antics to keep his favorite toy away from her... such a cute guy.
Licks, hero
Mr. B,
Who is the man?...you're the man! Stand up for your toy!
Hey, I like the backpack idea for the toy...great idea!
Great plan! Love the doggie toy backpack.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Poor Mr. B! At least he has a sense of humor!
Great strategy Mr. B. Must do whatever it takes to protect your toy.
We have been made to "share", which really means that the very second a toy is dropped (even by accident) it is stolen away by the other. Coco's big move is to shield the toy and GRRRR, while booty bumping Kitty away.
Mr B looks super cute carrying that fuzzy bone.
Awww Mr B has won our hearts here! Too sweet.
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